"I Love You"

To my Lord so dear
And all who are in Him
Please hear my plea
On that day that I sit in the judgment seat
And am asked if I deserve to sit to the left or the right
If I only may stay out in the doghouse next to Ruff
That would bring great joy and happiness to me
Just knowing the Lord Himself is near
That would be enough
For You are the Lord
You are Jesus Christ the Son of God
You are He who is worthy
The One who paid the price of eternal value
You are innocent
Perfect by every measure
Who is like You? Who can even compare?
You are King over every nation and Dominion of all the earth
You are Ruler of even the mightiest of champions
To You all respect and honor is deserved
To You all praises and glory are directed
You are our Lord and King and Savior
In honor of our Father who has sent You
We have been redeemed from death
Because You paid the price of eternal value
Oh Lord
What can I do to return Your favor?
How can I even begin to measure up?
In no way am I perfect
I always fall short the glory of God
If in any way I may make up
May it be in three little words so dear
May they gently fall upon Your ears
And may they never depart
For they are not just merely words
They come with all of my heart


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